Earlier this month I read this story from our local Fox 9 TV station. It made me think of where this would eventually end up.
Minnesota lawmakers are envisioning a day when you have a mobile version of your driver's license on your smartphone.
State Sen. Karin Housley, R-Stillwater, said she got the idea when she lost her driver's license at a University of Minnesota hockey game last fall, requiring her to get a replacement. Housley's bill would not make the shift right away, nor would it do away with physical licenses.
I meet Senator Housley four years ago during the last mid-year campaign season. She appeared to me to be someone with similar conservative values as I carry. When I read this, I wondered if she thought ahead to what the implications of this might be for collecting and storing our personal data.
Should have guessed that Apple would be the first company to push the technology of building a Mobile Driver’s License App. Would not have believed that the people in Arizona would be the first to have this available.
Also included in the list of first states to adopt the Digital Driver’s License are; Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah.
Using the Apple Wallet to hold your Driver’s License sounds good but, what else might be added to the data that is help there?
Health Records
Vaccinee Records
Financial Reports
Credit Scores
Travel Records
Tax Records
Vehicle Registration
What else… Social Credit Score??
If you are one who has so far opted out of the C19 vaccine, are you open to having your Vaccine Status show up at any restaurant, bar, sports venue or other locations you visit that are setup to read your phone’s information?
What About Your Social Credit Score?
The ability to use your Smartphone to store your Driver’s License sounds like a great idea to some but, what does the future look like? Have you heard about Social Credit Scores? They are used to control the population in China.
Corporations are already using ESG Scores to help investors to know what companies are following “the plan” and who are not. Those who are get to play and those who are not, don’t get to play. That means no investment money, not getting government approval for expansion such as new facilities and bad marks when it comes to pollution and air quality that federal agencies watch over.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights. READ MORE
Think about this in terms of what might happen to the person who has a bad Social Credit Score.
China’s social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors. Given the position of several major American companies, a similar system may be coming here sooner than you think. READ MORE
The Goal, Track Everything You Do and Every Dollar You Spend
This sytem can also be used to track your Carbon Usage. Did you know that that was a “thing”? Those folks who are talking about the Climage Change issues that will “end the world in 12 years’’ if we don’t solve the problems are now tracking carbon for corporations. They plan to also track your carbon usage or waste.
Eventually carbon will be used as a tax on the individual," E.B. Tucker predicts, which will equate to paying a fee to offset your overall carbon footprint sum. WATCH VIDO HERE
So Where is This All Going?
Having been (and still am) a fan of Star Trek, I know that show is lame but, it gives me ideas to ponder for the future of our world. And being a past Sci-fi fan gives me an active imagination to see what others think is possible. Add to that a little of a prophetic edge that the Lord has been growing me in, I can see some possibilities for our future. But these possibilities are not all good.
The idea of a single “comm-badge” like they use on Star Trek, I believe, could be augmented by a computer chip under the skin that would monitor all of your body functions and perhaps even control some of them. All this data would be uploaded and monitored live in Realtime.
Those who want to control everything including all of the people of the world, they have been doing a good job of it for the past 2+ years, I think are pushing for this. Some have already reported that the C19 Vaccine includes nano partials that have microchips that are already preprogramed. If that is true then, perhaps, the booster shots are needed more for “system updates” than they are help stop the next strain of COVID.
If this information is not upsetting enough to you for you to want to take action, you might want to read my website article regarding Transhumanism and how COVID-19 opened the door for it. But these things DO NOT have to come to fruition.
Remember… We Are The Plan
God has always used people, His people are His Plan. You are part of His plan if you know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
We are in the midst of the Third Great Awakening here in the United States of America. What happens here will touch the world. God wants you to be a part of His plan to give to Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world.
The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever! Revelation 11:15b